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How to create a Microsoft Account

How to create a Microsoft Account

How to create a Microsoft Account

In this article, we are going to show you how to create a Microsoft Account.

Before starting, let’s know why you should create it.

Why do you need a Microsoft Account?

You need to create a Microsoft Account to get better facilities for using Microsoft Products.

You need Microsoft Account For the:

So, let’s start creating Microsoft Account.

Create Microsoft Account

Step 1: First, visit Microsoft.Com.

Microsoft Home Page – Fileion
Microsoft Home Page – Fileion

Step 2: Click on the icon “Man with plus“. It can be found right-top-corner of the page.

Click on the Man with Plus Icon to create Microsoft Account – Fileion
Click on the Man with Plus Icon to create Microsoft Account – Fileion

Step 3: After completing Step 2, you will be redirected to Microsoft Sign In page. From there click on the “Create one!” option.

Click on Create one to start creating Microsoft Account

Step 4: Now click on the “Get a new email address” option.

Click on Get a new email address option

Step 5: Then you will be asked to type a New Email. Type it in the field named “New Email“.

Type a new email address

Step 6: After completing Step 5, look at the right side of the field named “New Email“. You will see a selection option asking you whether you want “” or ““. Please choose any of them which you want. For this tutorial, we are choosing ““.

Choose Outlook or Hotmail for your email address

Step 7: Now click on “Next“. On the next page, you will be asked to create a password for your account. Type your password on the field named “Create password“. Then click on “Next

Create a password for your new Microsoft Account

Step 8: After that, you will be asked for providing your “First Name” and “Last Name“. Fill-up it and Click on “Next“.

Type your First Name and Last Name

Step 9: On the next page, provide your location and your Birthdate. Then click on “Next“.

Provide your location and Birthdate

Step 10: Please wait, until your account is created.

Wait until your account is created

Step 11: At last, solve the provided captcha to complete your Registration Process.

Solve the captcha to complete the registration process

Congratulation! You have successfully created your new Microsoft Account.

Create Microsoft Account using Gmail or Yahoo Account

Step 1: First, visit Microsoft.Com.

Microsoft Home Page – Fileion

Step 2: Click on the icon “Man with plus“. It can be found right-top-corner of the page.

Click on the Man with Plus Icon to create Microsoft Account – Fileion

Step 3: After completing Step 2, you will be redirected to Microsoft Sign In page. From there click on “Create one!” option.

Click on Create one to start creating Microsoft Account

Step 4: Then you will find a field, asking you to provide your Email Address. In that field, type your Gmail or Yahoo! account.

Type your Gmail or Yahoo account

Step 5: Click on Next and type a password to Create a password for your Account. Then click on “Next“.

Create a password for your new Microsoft Account

Step 6: After that, you will be asked for providing your “First Name” and “Last Name“. Fill-up it and Click on “Next“.

Type your First Name and Last Name

Step 7: Here, provide your location and your Birthdate. Then click on “Next“.

Provide your location and Birthdate

Step 8: Then you will be asked to verify your Email. For this verification, a code will be sent from Microsoft to your provided email in Step 4. Check your email to find it.

Microsoft Account Verification Email

Step 9: Check your email for that code, then type the code in the “Enter Code” field. Then click on “Next“.

Type the verification code in this field For Microsoft Account Verification

Step 10: Then complete the captcha provided by Microsoft and click “Next“.

Type provided captcha to complete registration

Congratulation! You have successfully created a Microsoft Account using your existing Yahoo or Gmail Account.

Now you can use this account on any Microsoft Products you wish.

How to know if your Microsoft Account is created?

You can easily ensure that you have successfully created your Microsoft Account or not.

To ensure it, first, you need to complete the registration process instructed above.

Step 1: After completing the registration process, you will be redirected to Microsoft Home Page. From there click on the “Man Icon” located in the top-right corner.

Click on the man icon

Step 2: Then you will see, your name with your chosen Email Address. If you see it, you have successfully created your Account. But if you don’t see it then there might be some issue with your process. Please read and follow the instruction carefully.


A Microsoft Account is really essential nowadays to get all the benefits from Microsoft Products. If you are a gamer or an office worker you need it. So, we have shown you how you will create a Microsoft Account easily.

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